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Inventory Of Monuments At Pagan


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This volume focuses on the very heart of the Pagan area. Several important temples such as Loka-ok-shaung, Thein-mazi and Gu-tawthit-hpaya are presented, as well as exceptional monuments such as the Mye-bontha-hyaya-hia temple and the Shwe-hsan-daw stupa. It records such highly venerated monuments as the Shwe-gu-gyi temple (the highest temple in Pagan), Nat-hlaung-kyaung (the only indisputably non-Buddhist monument in Pagan and probably one of the oldest), the Patho-hta-mya and the Gawdawpalin temples, as well as the Maha-bodhi-hpaya temple – a fascinating replica of the Bodhgaya temple in India. Finally, moving eastwards, it concludes with a large group of structures inside the enclosed She-nan-yin-taw monastic complex.

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  • Pierre PichardInventory Of Monuments At Pagan

    Records start around Minnanthu before going north towards Nyaung U, where outstanding mural paintings are found in the Nanda-manya-hpaya and in the temples of the Winido group. The fourteenth-century Hsin-byu-shin monastic complex is represented in full, followed by the great Sula-mani-gu-hpaya temple of 1172 and the Dhamma-yan-gyi temple with its mysteriously blocked inner corridor. The inventory proceeds south to rarely visited monuments such as the Ngamyet-hna-hpaya near Kazun-o and Hpaya-ni, ending up around the Pya-tha-da-gyi.

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