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Encore Tricolore: Student’s Book


Résumé du livre

This course in French is for the National Curriculum. Stages 1 to 3 offer complete coverage of Key Stage 3, with one book per year. Stages 4 and 5 prepares students fully for GCSE/National Curriculum Key Stage 4 tests and Standard Grade.

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  • Encore Tricolore 1

    This trusted and tested course retains many of the features that have made it so reliable for exam success, but is totally up-to-date and relevant in both content and appearance. Encore Tricolore Nouvelle Edition has been written to help your students achieve excellent results at all stages of their French learning. - Provides a detailed teaching plan to help teachers with lesson preparation. - Gives details of a wide range of games and practice activities for use in pairs, groups or as a class. - Offers unit by unit suggestions for teaching with the materials. - Incorporates all the transcripts

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