Résumé du livre
See below for English description. Cet hiver, Nicolas et sa famille partent en vacances! Nicolas est si excit� qu’il dort avec ses bottes de planche � neige et son sac � dos depuis trois jours. Mais attention! Il y a beaucoup � faire avant le grand d�part : il faut amener le chat chez le voisin, faire les courses, d�neiger l’entr�e, charger l’auto… Nicolas arrivera-t-il � tout faire pour enfin pouvoir profiter des plaisirs de ses vacances d’hiver? Nicholas and his family are going on a winter vacation! What could go wrong? Nicholas is so excited for his family’s ski trip that he’s had his backpack, long johns, and snowboard boots on for three days already. But before they leave, Nicholas has a whole list of things to do: take the cat to a neighbour’s house, shovel the driveway, round up the ski gear, pack up the car… will this vacation ever start? Everyone else is excited for all the mountain climbing, snowshoeing, and skiing ahead – but by the time the car is packed and the family is on their way, all Nicholas wants to do on his vacation is get a little rest! Title in English: Winter Break Wipeout
Carte de livre
- Nombre de pages: 32
- Auteur: Gilles Tibo
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