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Contribution Des Matériaux Lithiques Dans La Chronologie Du Néolithique Ancien Et Moyen En France Et Dans Les Régions Limitrophes


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Télécharger le livre libro Contribution Des Matériaux Lithiques Dans La Chronologie Du Néolithique Ancien Et Moyen En France Et Dans Les Régions Limitrophes

Seven papers from the session on Lithics and the Early and Middle Neolithic Chronology in France given at the EAA conference in Lyon in 2004. Work on lithic materials in the widest sense has developed considerably over the last two decades, leading to an almost complete renewal of methods and objectives. From the 1980s onwards there emerged methods which have become classic: investigation of raw materials, creation of reference collections (lithotheques), characterization of procurement modes, studies of technology and analyses of use-wear. Relative chronology, mainly established through study of decorated ceramics, is still an essential aspect of our discipline and new data have stimulated debate on the relations between various cultural groups de fined on stylistic grounds. This volume aims to review the contribution of lithic studies in both France and neighbouring regions for establishing the cultural sequences of the early and middle Neolithic. The 7 contributions include: 1) The early neolithic lithic assemblage in Britain: some chronological considerations (Alan Saville), 2) The raw material procurement as implied cause of interregional network: diachronic examples in the LPC of the middle Mosel (Anne Hauzeur), 3) Genese et evolution des industries lithiques Danubiennes du bassin Parisien (Pierre Allard and Francoise Bostyn), 4) Gestion des materiaux siliceux et definition chrono-culturelle des cultures a ceramique lineaire et de Blicquy/Villeneuve-Saint-Germain a Vaux-et-Borset (Hesbaye, Belgique): 15 ans de recherches (Jean-Paul Caspar and Laurence Burnez-Lanotte), 5) Contribution of lithic analyses for the understanding of neolithisation processes in the Upper Rhone Valley (Thomas Perrin), 6) L’apport de l’industrie lithique taille e dans la sequence chrono-culturelle du neolithique moyen Suisse (Matthieu Honnerger), 7) Production and demand of flint artifacts in the Bandkeramik of western Germany (Andreas Zimmermann).

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