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Marc Yor

In Memoriam Paul-andré Meyer – Séminaire De Probabilités Xxxix


The 39th volume of Séminaire de Probabilités is a tribute to the memory of Paul André Meyer. His life and achievements are recalled in this book, and tributes are paid by his friends and colleagues. This volume also contains mathematical contributions to classical and quantum stochastic calculus, the theory of processes, martingales and their applications to mathematical finance and Brownian...

Seminaire De Probabilites Xxiii


Besides a number of papers on classical areas of research in probability such as martingale theory, Malliavin calculus and 2-parameter processes, this new volume of the Séminaire de Probabilités develops the following themes: – chaos representation for some new kinds of martingales, – quantum probability, – branching aspects on Brownian excursions, – Brownian motion on a...

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