Presents basic information on drug products offered for sale in Canada. Includes drugs for human and veterinary use plus general disinfectants. Contains lists of products by trade name, by manufacturer and by active ingredient. Includes the drug identification number (DIN/GP) assigned to each drug product marketed under the Food and Drug Regulations. Some of the data is in coded form.
Journal Asiatique
Ser. 6, v. 11, 14 and 18, ser. 7, v. 1 and 9, ser. 7, v. 16 and 19, ser. 8, v. 5, 9, 13 and 17 include « Bibliographie ottomane. Notice des livres turcs arabes et persans imprimés à Constantinople durant le période 1281-1307 de l’Hégire » (title varies slightly)
Physica B + C.
Part B has subtitle: Low temperature and solid state physics and part C has subtitle: Atomic, molecular and plasma physics, optics
Cigar Makers’ Official Journal
Vols. 12-20 include: Cigar Maker’s International Union of America. Annual financial report (title varies slightly), 1886-1894. (From 1886-1891 issued as a numbered section of the periodical.).
Notices Et Extraits Des Manuscrits De La Bibliothèque Nationale Et Autres Bibliothèques
Vol. 37 contains a single work: Synodicon orientale ou Recueil des synodes nestoriens, pub., trad., et annoté par J. B. Chabot.
Les Schtroumpfs – Tome 25 – Un Enfant Chez Les Schtroumpfs
Qui ne connaît pas la plus célèbre création de Peyo ? Depuis « Les Schtroumpfs noirs », ces lutins amateurs de salsepareille ont fait partager leurs aventures à des millions de lecteurs à travers le monde.
Sessional Papers
« Report of the Dominion fishery commission on the fisheries of the province of Ontario, 1893 », issued as vol. 26, no. 7, supplement.
Sessional Papers
« Report of the Dominion fishery commission on the fisheries of the province of Ontario, 1893 », issued as vol. 26, no. 7, supplement.
Sessional Papers
« Report of the Dominion fishery commission on the fisheries of the province of Ontario, 1893 », issued as vol. 26, no. 7, supplement.
Revue Des Questions Scientifiques
The March and May numbers of v. 97, 1930, combined in one issue, comprise a special series of articles on the Belgian Congo (Le Congo Belge et les sciences) published on the occasion of the centenary of Belgian independence. A separate map (Carte administrative du Congo Belge et de ses voies de communication) accompanies this combined issue, and is designated as « supplément à la Revue des...
Le Journal De Physique Et Le Radium
Beginning in 1922 includes Proces-verbaux et résumés des commumications of the Société française de physique.
Journal Asiatique
Ser. 6, v. 11, 14 and 18, ser. 7, v. 1 and 9, ser. 7, v. 16 and 19, ser. 8, v. 5, 9, 13 and 17 include « Bibliographie ottomane. Notice des livres turcs arabes et persans imprimés à Constantinople durant le période 1281-1307 de l’Hégire » (title varies slightly)
Sessional Papers
« Report of the Dominion fishery commission on the fisheries of the province of Ontario, 1893 », issued as vol. 26, no. 7, supplement.
Bibliographie Du Québec
Liste des publications québécoises ou relatives au Québec établie par la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec.
Scientific Papers
Beginning with v. 12, its Abstracts, v. 1-16, from its Bulletin, v. 7-22, were issued with the Scientific papers.
Engineering Journal
Vol. 7, no.7, July 1924, contains papers prepared by Canadian engineers for the first World power conference, July, 1924.
Sessional Papers
« Report of the Dominion fishery commission on the fisheries of the province of Ontario, 1893 », issued as vol. 26, no. 7, supplement.
30. 1998 (1999).
This bilingual (French and English) volume is a compilation of data from periodic statements provided by national sources as well as by the UN Statistics Division regarding countries in Asia and the Pacific Rim, including countries formerly associated with the Soviet Union, and island nations such as Malaysia and Australia. The statistics cover a variety of subjects, such as population...
Geochemistry International
Vols. for 1964-v. 2, no. 1, 1965 include selected articles translated from geochemical papers from other languages, but primarily from Russian, German, French and Japanese.
Lexique Anglais-français
Avec plus de 15 000 entrées, ce lexique est principalement consacré au droit, mais propose également des solutions à de nombreuses difficultés courantes rencontrées par les traducteurs.